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Ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring network.

Air quality monitoring network is used to estimate the regional air quality. After the characteristics of pollutants’ emission and meteorological condition changed, the special-temporal ozone concentration distribution may also change. This project utilized Taiwan Air Quality Model (TAQM) to simulate ozone concentration distribution of Central, Yunj-Ja-Nan, Kao-Pin air quality basin areas. The objectives of this project are to compare the difference of ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring network within related air quality area. The result showed that the ozone concentration characteristics of the air quality monitoring stations and nearby region were similar. Most of the hot spots, three of four episodes, were located in Pingtung County. The frequencies of ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring stations compared to the air quality basin area did not fit to certain pattern. The influence of area emission decrease to the air quality stations was estimated. Finally, three suggestions were proposed. First, the updated Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) would be used to simulate the air quality after they are verified. Second, the whole-Taiwan-wide area included in the fourth grid-size domain to simulate the ozone concentration distribution is suggested. Third, further study extended to other pollutants, such as aerosols, is suggested to estimate the relation between the total air quality and the air quality monitoring network in the future.
ozone, monitoring network, air quality